Archive: Nov 2010

  1. Is female solidarity a thing of the past?

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    During the 1990’s a groovy U.S. channel called HBO gave us the now immortal Sex & The City. We were introduced to four women who apart had nothing in common but together became a tight woven network of support for each other through dating, marriage, cancer, divorce and affairs. It was not all hearts and bows though and their friendships were tested but essentially the four of them pulled together through thick and thin. I was wondering the other day whether we really have that in our lives. Female friendship is healthy and good for us and to be frank without it I’d personally go mad. Even though in my twenties I thought myself a bit of a ladette, these days without womans talk I don’t know where I’d be. It is interesting that this year I’ve had what can only be called a “run in” with four women, who I barely know, who came from nowhere and systematically reduced me to a sobbing wreck. The fact that they did not know me made their judgement and cruel words towards me all the more unbearable. Of course whatever problem these women had was nothing to do with me at all and of their own making but I was shocked and perhaps slightly naive that women can be really nasty, spiteful and jealous of each other. Why do I write this on my blog? Well it leads me into something I wrote the other week about celeb magazines and womens criticism of each other.

    Without sounding Greer – like, women should be supporting each other, through weight loss, weight gain, and spurn making comments about other women that they don’t know. I overheard someone in a queue yesterday talking about Patsy Kensit on Strictly Come Dancing (as if they knew her personally) saying how anyone could have been married four times and show their face in public – should be ashamed – it was clear that they were blaming her. I found that a little too much to be honest. I don’t know Patsy Kensit but see her as someone who had very low self esteem after a 4th marriage breakdown – she constantly puts herself down and knows she is being judged every minute she dons a costume. Can we not put a positive spin on this and see how brave, courageous and great it is to see a 42 yr old woman coming back into the public view doing the best she can – and may I say looking rather fab on it as she loses weight and gains confidence.

    Come on girls – we can do better than this. Let’s really try not to judge books by their covers and be a little more gentle on our fellow sex!

  2. Don’t forget …….

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    Refer a friend of family member for a consultation and receive £15 as a thank you!!

    “My boyfriend gave me a consultation with Kate as a present and although it wasn’t very romantic (although he did give me flowers!) it was the best present I could have had- feeling ill all the time was really getting me down and I now I feel like a different person – thanks Kate”. Susie, L, Battle

    I also do gift vouchers – really useful for birthdays and christmas if you’re stuck for something to give a loved one. Please call me on 01323 737814 for more details.

  3. Great TV

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    What a treat to have two great comic pieces served up to us on BBC2. Firstly the wonderful Steve Coogan and Rob Brydon in The Trip and secondly the very funny Giles Coren and Sue Perkins trying to recreate The Good Life.

    In an age of in ya face reality tv it is lovely to have subtle nuance (The Trip) and carry on type humour (The Good Life). Coogan and Brydon’s impressions are worth the licence fee alone (I hear a Woody Allen competition is coming up) and the site of Giles and Sue straining goats milk through woolly tights, well… its priceless.

  4. Hospital food gets a boost

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    A great article in the weekends Observer regarding the shameful “food” still served in hospitals up and down the country. A new bill is being considered backed by MP’s, Zac Goldsmith, the Soil Association to name but a few and lets hope this gets passed. It not only means healthy food for convalescing patients but will encourage the use of British farmers and local food which has got to be good for everyone.

    If it were not for the goodwill of neighbours friends and families most people would come out of hospital suffering from malnutrition – sadly those without the good fortune of visitors I suspect often do, particularly if you are in hospital for any length of time.

    I can’t think of anything more important for a speedy recovery than good wholesome food.

  5. So Weightwatchers – calorie counting doesn’t really work hey?!

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    This article raised a smile today. Could it be that sugar and carbs are the problem after all and a high protein, GI diet is the way forward. I think so…..innovation and discovery Weightwatchers?? – no no no- stop treating people like fools – although the support and commraderie is great this way of dieting is not sustainable for long term weight loss and the products should not be given shelf room – they are full of additives and artificial sweeteners.

  6. Why we’ve got it all wrong

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    In response to the large numbers of people ringing me and asking me to respond to the Daily Mail article below (blog article dated 1st November 2010) here I go!!

    The rise in obesity has in my opinion (and I cannot speak for anyone else) been caused by a number of factors but primarily the main two factors are:

    1. The wrong dietary advice from ‘on high’ and
    2. The rise in sugar and carbohydrates in our diet

    Yes being sedentary and lazy has its place but fundamentally what we are putting into our bodies and what we are told is good for us going in our bodies is killing us. Anyone who says its simple just eat less and exercise more really doesn’t know what they are talking about – its really nothing to do with that at all. You can exercise all you like – if your diet is bad you will not lose weight.

    Fat is not bad. Please stop thinking fat is bad and I agree with Zoe – to get everyone in the country to have a cholesterol level below 5 is just madness.

    It is also a worry that the British Dietetic Association and the British Nutrition Foundation are either sponsored by food companies or have members on their boards from companies that just shouldn’t be there- these are meant to be unbiased organisations. If you are reading something in the newspapers or being told about something check out if this information could at all in anyway be biased. A new trial says coffee is good for you – do a little research – was it sponsored by a coffee company? I read ages ago that Vitamin C causes cancer – when I did my research the trial was run by a multi-national company – I wont say who!

    It’s really really simple – go back to rationing – I know its a cliche and has been said before but the diets and lifestyles that work in the world and through the ages ie atkins and the japanese diet and post WWII have one thing in common they hardly have any sugar and little carbs. Look at my last newsletter about the Greek diet as an example as well.

    In 15 years EVERY – yep thats EVERY food diary I have looked at NEVER had too much fat, NEVER has too much protein, but nearly always has too much SUGAR and CARBOHYDRATE. Many people I see go for days with no protein and wonder why they cant lose weight and can’t function. Carbs turn into sugar which as you all know by now effects your insulin levels. Stone age man did not live on sugary breakfast cereals, sandwiches and pasta with chocolate bars/energy bars mid morning and mid afternoon.

    Furthermore, the Government’s “Food Plate” is weighed in favour of carbohydrate and needs to be changed. If the message is wrong at the top, its filters down to grass roots and just confuses everyone.

    Listen to your own inner voice, why are my patients losing weight with a cooked breakfast high in protein? Surely that sugary cereal was more healthy? Why when artificial sweeteners and glucose fructose syrup are taken out of the diet do my patients suddenly realise how sugary foods really are?

    As high levels of carbs in your diet can make you sleepy – you begin to wonder if we have a nation of un-focused tired people – more of that later on this month!

    My rule of thumb – any food that is advertised in womens magazines and on TV – I wouldn’t buy – there are exceptions but please start to understand that the very things you are told are good for you are really really not.

    If you’d like to discuss this with me further or let me take you shopping and show you what’s really in our food then call me on 01323 737814.

  7. At last the Daily Mail writes something readable

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    On my blog I often have to keep up with a particular paper more than I would want. What it writes is often scaremongering and just not based on the right scientific evidence. However this article above is spot on – nothing more to add – agree with everything written.

    Hope its food for thought for some of you (excuse the pun!)