Andrew Lansley’s obesity plans are insane!


It’s a shocker isnt it or is it? The governments obesity plans are fundementally (give or take a few puffs of air): eat less and exercise more. I find this so naive and appallingly off the mark that you wonder who is running this country. I would go further than Jamie does so please do excuse this rant but its about money, its about money and contacts and business. The government go to bed with so many of the leaders of industry who don’t want to cut their margins on food. Why would they want to completely ban trans fat outright, or high levels of salt, or artificial sweetners or corn syrup when they are swanning around in their stately homes (ooo I’ve gone a bit left wing.. nice one Kate). It’s cheap, they make money, end of story. This year I saw a couple in my clinic, both obese who had never heard of Omega 3, didnt know coffee was a stimulant, had no clue that cheap white bread was probably killing them and were addicted (yes like in cocaine) to junk food. In essence they had no clue that what they ate was making them ill. This should not be happening in 2011. You could get a bit highbrow and say well they are just ignorant and should read more, but thats not the issue – the issue is they didn’t know anything – they saw food as calories to keep themselves alive. They were both in their 50’s so I’ve no idea why they hadn’t picked up the basics – they were bright but I didnt ask. And if I can say this, its not about socio economics – I’ve seen very wealthy people, well educated people who haven’t a clue, and families on housing estates struggling to do their best on little money but with a great knowledge.

As I said before, you do wonder who is running the country. Its digusting and we should all be appalled at the lack of general common sense in this country.

ps the picture of Krave the cereal speaks for itself

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