Hello Blog readers – am still blogging – I’ve just been sidetracked with piles of work. If you’d like to be kept more up to date try my Facebook page as well at Kate Arnold Nutrition. Newsletter coming up in two weeks on Food advertising and marketing. After the BBC2 documentary The Men That Made Us Fat more of you are now understanding the issues behind the obesity/fat/sugar debate. It’s not pleasant and difficult to hold one person accountable but these problems are here and real and not going away. The only way you can change this is to take control of your weekly shopping baskets, read all the ingredients on the back of all produce and make informed decisions for you and your family!
I’m still offering 25% off all consultations until end of July. If you’d like to take this up but not sure I can help – please do call me on 01323 737814 for a free five minute chat. I look forward to hearing from you! x