Archive: Dec 2011

  1. Facebook posts

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    I now have sorted out my FB page after an age of problems, so please go have a read. There are daily news updates on food,  health, nutrition, food politics and more!

  2. Recipe book ideas

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    I’m loving the following cook books for their inventiveness and creativity, along with some stunningly great tasting healthy food.


    Home Baking Made Easy and Home Cooking Made Easy – Lorraine Pascale

    The Good Table – Valentine Warner

    Kitchen Secrets – Raymond Blanc

    Wagamamma – Ways with noodles

    River Cottage Veg Every Day –  Hugh Fernley Whittingstall

    Jamies Great Britain – Jamie Oliver

    Tender – Volumes I and II – Nigel Slater

    Plenty – Yottam Ottalenghi

    Piemaster – A Pie for all season – Tristam Hogg

  3. A huge “thank you” from me

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    So christmas is nearly here.. I just wanted to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their kind words and christmas cards. Thanks also to the GP’s and consultants who I know read this blog and refer patients on to me – you are doing amazing work! It’s been an honour to work with such amazing people this year. I’ve got another frantic week to go but wish you all a very HEALTHY Christmas and vibrant and properous New Year.


  4. Christmas newsletter out today

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    My christmas newsletter is out today – festive top tips and sulphite free wines is the topic for this month.holly2 If you don’t receive my newsletter and like to then please go to my homepage and sign up.