August catch up
Hello bloggers, a quick August catch up. I hope you are all enjoying the fabulous Olympics and the rising number of gold medals – a great inspiration to younger adults I think you will agree! I’m enjoying the new Channel 4 series Simply Italian and am inspired to create a few dishes for friends. I have an August BOGOF (!) deal for those who are finding things financially hard at the moment – if you book a consultation in August your partner comes free – you cannot say fairer than that – for August only! I’ve had a great year, more bowel issues than ever which is great and more chronic fatigue as well. Many referrals from GP’s which is also great and let’s me get to grips with complex medical history which I love. Much of this is collating huge amounts of information and setting people on the right path of action. My newsletter is still getting positive feedback but am happy to hear what you think good or bad or topics you would like me to write about – they do vary in subject matter as you know! I’m so grateful to be doing a job I love! See you soon. x