Archive: Sep 2012

  1. Buy One Get One Free Offer for November

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    From November 1st to November 30th: A Buy One Get One Free Offer for couples. You come for a full consultation and your partner comes free! Please call me for further details on 01323 737814
    Photo: From November 1st to November 30th: A Buy One Get One Free Offer for couples. You come for a full consultation and your partner comes free! Please call me for further details on 01323 737814
    • Kate Arnold Nutrition This is s chance for all your women out there to drag along your men (or the other way round) for a complete MOT of your health. You will have a chance to raise your health concerns, talk about medication, or how to avoid it, how to change your diet to your specific needs and learn how to reduce your symptoms. It’s a fantastic opportunity for you to go into 2013 with vibrant health! Call 01323 737814 for more details.
  2. Intermittent fasting – Eat, Fast Live Longer continued

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    So keeping it in the Arnold family my father and stepmother finished their 5 weeks of 5:2 intermittent fasting. For those of you who have been living under a rock for the last few months, this is the new anti ageing diet that may hold back the years.  Outlined by Dr Michael Mosley in Eat, Fast Live Longer on BBC2 a few months ago, it sets out to see if by fasting we can reverse some of our ageing markers. On top of the personal success for Michael Mosley came weight loss. Two days later I was visiting my father and he had already got his 5:2 regime pencilled into his diary on the kitchen wall! During the week he ate normally, over the weekend he ate 600 calories only per day. The outcome is as follows: After a few pounds weight loss, and after 5 weeks my father has lost no weight. He’s not sure about his markers as he didn’t  get them checked beforehand. My stepmother has lost 5lbs in total which is great but its clearly not for everyone. Their view was that they missed the social part of sitting down to a meal and at the weekends a glass of wine. In next months newsletter I will be looking at all kinds of dieting in detail and this new intermittent fasting.